University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
5807 S. Woodlawn Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637



Erik Hurst

Frank P. and Marianne R. Diassi Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and John E. Jeuck Faculty Fellow, Booth School of Business; Deputy Director, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics

Erik Hurst is an economist whose work lies at the intersection of macroeconomics, labor economics and urban economics.  His research addresses topics such as declining male participation rates, the determinants of U.S. wage growth, the welfare losses to society stemming from gender and racial discrimination, the causes and consequences of urban gentrification, the economics of time use, small business dynamics, life-cycle consumption profiles, the role of housing and mortgage markets in driving macroeconomic conditions, and the choice to invest in human capital. His research has been covered extensively in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and The Economist…. Read my full bio

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